Monday 17 September 2012

GCSE grades article (for teen target audience) homework

GCSE Grades cheated by Ofqual

After everyone’s hard work, the traitorous exam board has marked down GCSE English. It seems nobody told them there wasn’t time to fool around during school.  

Instead of marking results fairly, Ofqual (who else?) have decided to mess us around. And as we have found out, the other shameful examiners at Edexcel were written to in a scheme to bring grades down to be accurate to predictions.

And as another big fat joke, Welsh students are now going to be given higher results than their English mates, simply because there was a demand over there for regrading.

‘Our students had become the victims of a great injustice’ said Leighton Andrews on his cheated school kids in Wales. ‘In the time since the results last month, I felt it fair to call for a large remarking of work.’ Perhaps ministers in England should take a leaf out of his book.

To make things worse, we found out that the results were changed only two weeks before they were meant to be published. Ouch.

The predictions of Ofqual (made from student’s Sats results five years before!) have made plenty of our lives a living hell. Who wouldn’t be after the marks needed for a C have been whacked up to 65 out of 96, a massive ten marks more than a month ago?

So to recap on the madness that erupted after results day… Everyone is getting grouchy about losing the results they expected; Edexcel are still saying ‘our award is a fair reward’; Ofqual’s regulator, Glenys Stacey, is being called for the sack; and no one is doing a thing about helping people who have suffered.

Things couldn’t be any worse. Justin's latest hit single 'Boyfriend' isn’t even enough to silence loads of crying girls’ cries.





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