Thursday 6 September 2012

Key Media Concepts!

A few media concepts....

Target Audience
The target audience simply refers to a group of people who a media product is aimed at. Individuals can be target specifically or in a broader way; for example age, gender, and interests. Methods of advertising will differ for media products, therefore, depending on the type of person that they intend to reach.

A genre is a certain type or category of a product, with its own particular style and form. This could include the film, television, print and radio industries, all of which have separate genres within them.

Conventions can be found within a genre or certain product, and refer to features that are expected to be found within the product, almost defining aspects of that genre; for example graphic violence and a female protagonist in a horror film. However, more specific features of a product - for example the killer using a chainsaw - are not conventions as they would not apply to all products within the genre.

Codes can be split into two categories - technical and symbolic - which link to the conventions of a media product also. These are simply images or items which can suggest a certain theme; for example dark lighting in a horror film (technical) or a Christmas tree in a television programme (symbolic).

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